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Why Do Birds Sing
Human and Literature Publishing
Date de publication

Why Do Birds Sing

Human and Literature Publishing

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782384690787
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
    • Fichier Mobipocket, libre d'utilisation
    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne

    Mise en Forme

    • Aucune information


    • Balisage de la langue fourni

    Normes et Réglementations

    • Aucune information
Why do birds sing? Has their music a meaning, or is it all a matter of blind
impulse? Some bright morning in March, as you go out-of-doors, you are greeted
by the notes of the first robin. Perched in a leafless tree, there he sits,
facing the sun like a genuine fire-worshiper, and singing as though he would
pour out his very soul. What is he thinking about? What spirit possesses

Birds sing when they are happy, and cry out when they are frightened, just as
children do. Only they have songs and cries of their own. You can always tell
when the little song-birds are happy, for each one trills out his joyous notes
as he sits on a branch of a tree, or the top of a hedge...
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