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Epigenetics and Cellular Memory, Inaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 13 December 2012
Collège de France
Date de publication
Leçons inaugurales

Epigenetics and Cellular Memory

Inaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 13 December 2012

Collège de France

Leçons inaugurales

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782722606548
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    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne
How is the information contained in our genes read, memorized and interpreted?
What mechanisms control gene expression in an individual or across
generations? The understanding of these mechanisms is crucial to knowledge on
life forms. Epigenetics studies the influence of a genome’s cellular history
on the way in which it is read. Since the sequencing of the complete human
genome in the early twenty-first century, epigenetics has also given rise to
the hope that we are “more” than the sequencing of our genes. This is probably
why there is currently a huge upsurge of interest in this discipline.
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