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The influence of diet on endurance and general efficiency
Date de publication

The influence of diet on endurance and general efficiency


Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782386260049
    • Fichier EPUB, avec Marquage en filigrane
Experimental study of the physiological needs of the body for food has
indicated that the real requirements of the system, especially for proteid
foods, are far below the amounts called for by existing dietary standards, and
still farther below the customary habits of the majority of mankind. The
ability of the body to maintain a condition of physiological equilibrium, with
a true nitrogen balance, etc., on a relatively small amount of nitrogenous
food, would seemingly imply that the large surplus so generally consumed
constitutes an entirely uncalled-for drain upon the system, as well as upon
the pocket of the individual, and without any compensatory gain.
In our experimental study of this question, observations on many individuals
have extended over such long periods of time that there is apparently perfect
safety in the conclusion that the new dietary standards which aim to conform
to the true needs of the body are perfectly adapted to maintain health,
strength and vigor indefinitely.
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